How to create a Notion template in 6 easy steps

How to create a Notion template in 6 easy steps

Notion is a powerful all-in-one workspace that can be used for everything from note-taking and task management to project planning and personal organization. One of its most useful features is the ability to create templates. Templates allow you to save and reuse common page layouts, content, and properties, so you can quickly and easily create new pages without having to start from scratch every time.

What are the benefits of using Notion templates?

There are many benefits to using Notion templates, including:

  • Save time and effort: Templates can help you save a lot of time and effort by automating the process of creating new pages. Once you have created a template, you can simply duplicate it and start adding your own content.
  • Consistency: Templates can help you ensure that your pages are consistent in terms of layout, style, and formatting. This is especially important if you are collaborating with others or using Notion to manage a team or project.
  • Organization: Templates can help you keep your Notion workspace organized and easy to navigate. For example, you could create templates for different types of pages, such as meeting notes, project plans, or to-do lists.

How to create a Notion template in 6 easy steps:

  1. Create a new Notion page. This will be the template page that you will duplicate and reuse in the future.
  2. Add the content and properties that you want to include in your template. This could include things like page titles, text blocks, images, tables, and databases.
  3. Once you are happy with your template, click the “Share” button in the top right corner of the page.
  4. In the “Share” menu, select the “Publish to web” option.
  5. In the “Publish to web” window, toggle on the “Allow duplicate as template” option.
  6. Click the “Publish” button.

Once you have published your template, you will be able to duplicate it and reuse it as many times as you like. To duplicate a template, simply click the “Templates” button in the Notion sidebar and select the template that you want to duplicate.

Tips for creating effective Notion templates:

  • Keep your templates simple and focused. Templates should be designed to be easily customized and adapted to different needs. Avoid adding too much content or complexity to your templates.
  • Use properties to make your templates more dynamic. Properties allow you to add custom fields to your pages, such as due dates, categories, and tags. This can make your templates more flexible and reusable.
  • Test your templates thoroughly before using them. Once you have created a template, be sure to test it out to make sure that it is working as expected. This will help you avoid any problems when you duplicate and reuse the template in the future.

Here are some ideas for Notion templates that you can create:

  • Meeting notes template: This template could include sections for the meeting date, time, attendees, agenda items, and action items.
  • Project plan template: This template could include sections for the project goals, tasks, milestones, due dates, and budget.
  • To-do list template: This template could include sections for your daily, weekly, and monthly to-do items.
  • Recipe template: This template could include sections for the recipe name, ingredients, instructions, and cooking time.
  • Blog post template: This template could include sections for the post title, introduction, body text, images, and conclusion.


Notion templates are a great way to save time and effort, ensure consistency across your pages, and keep your workspace organized. By following the tips in this blog post, you can start creating effective Notion templates that you can use to streamline your workflow and boost your productivity.

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